Leadership Tips
How to Create Bottom-up Revenue Goals that Make Sense
It’s that time of the year. Sales leaders are with their salespeople in the trenches driving hard to finish Q4 strong and executives are looking forward as they establish new fiscal year revenue goals. I observe owners and executives in my small and mid-sized business… Read More »How to Create Bottom-up Revenue Goals that Make Sense
Does Your Sales Dashboard Provide Powerful Insight?
Your company has revenue goals to hit. Each person on your sales team has a quota to hit. There are a lot of moving parts to keep track of. If you’re still manually tracking sales activity, you’re probably investing a large amount of your time… Read More »Does Your Sales Dashboard Provide Powerful Insight?
How to “Inflation-Proof” Your Business | September 2022 Newsletter
How does inflation impact a business, and how can you build an inflation-proof business by making critical changes to boost revenue? The reasons and the remedies might surprise you.
5 Keys to Leading Sales During Uncertain Times
In 2020, the economy was rolling along until the pandemic brought the entire world to a halt. Demand quickly plummeted as people were quarantined at home and many workplaces rapidly transitioned to remote work. Now, as things seem to be returning to “normal”, many industries… Read More »5 Keys to Leading Sales During Uncertain Times
How Much of My Time Is Needed If I Hire a Fractional Sales Leader?
The million-dollar question for every business usually revolves around time. Can my current sales team build and close enough sales pipeline to meet our growth goals this year? If not, how long will it take me to diagnose and fix the problems hindering their success?… Read More »How Much of My Time Is Needed If I Hire a Fractional Sales Leader?
Is the Time You Spend Networking Paying Off?
Are you wondering why your networking efforts aren’t producing leads? Have you made the personal investment in attending networking events, and holding follow-up 1:1’s, but you can’t quite seem to create productive business relationships? If that sounds familiar, you are certainly not alone. I’ve built… Read More »Is the Time You Spend Networking Paying Off?
How Long Does it Take to Fix a Sales Team?
Answering the question of how long it takes to fix a sales team isn’t straightforward. Turning a sales organization around depends on many factors, like the number and severity of fundamental issues. It’s impossible to rewire sales performance overnight. Even if you find and fix… Read More »How Long Does it Take to Fix a Sales Team?
Is Industry Experience Necessary to Fix Sales Problems?
“How can you fix sales performance problems without having spent your career in my industry?“ is one of the most common questions I am asked as an Outsourced or Fractional Sales Leader. This is an understandable question because many business leaders don’t realize the issues… Read More »Is Industry Experience Necessary to Fix Sales Problems?
Does Your Sales Process Generate Predictable Results?
Updated: January 2025 We’ve all experienced it; our salesperson tells us about that big deal that’s as good as done. Their prospect is showing solid buying signals after they verified strong alignment and generated genuine interest. But then, as the sales cycle progresses, there’s a… Read More »Does Your Sales Process Generate Predictable Results?